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Geoffrey Philp
Author and Educator Geoffrey Philp

Geoffrey Philp, a recipient of a Silver Musgrave Medal in Literature from the Institute of Jamaica, is the author of two short story collections, two novels, three children’s books, and eight books of poetry, including his most recent collection from Peepal Tree Press,  Archipelagos, about climate change. His poems and short stories have been published in The Oxford Book of Caribbean Verse, sx salon, Oxford Book of Caribbean Short Stories, World Literature Today, Punch, Visible, Rattle: Poets Respond, and New Voices: Contemporary Writers Confronting the Holocaust. Philp’s other awards include a Marcus Garvey Award for Excellence in Education (2022) and a Luminary Award from the Consulate of Jamaica (2015). One of Philp’s poems, “A Prayer for my Children,” is featured on The Poetry Rail at The Betsy--an homage to 12 writers who have shaped Miami culture. He  lives in Miami and is working on a graphic novel about Marcus Garvey, “My Name is Marcus.”

Geoffrey Philp
Writing Workshop with Geoffrey Philp
Haiku Workshops
Lecture at the University of the West Indies
Books by Geoffrey


Children's Book "My Name is Marcus"

Contact:  geoffreyphilp101[at]

Geoffrey Philp is a Jamaican poet and short story writer who has been exploring the impact of climate change on the Caribbean. His website,, is a great resource for those interested in learning more about the intersection of literature and environmental issues.

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